----[General info]---- MailMe is a plug-in for Win Ghost. MailMe will let you send an email when Win Ghost calls the MailMe plug-in. This might be very useful when you want to know when Win Ghost has found a trigger. And you are not home. You can just check your mail to get the information. This plug-in requires that you edit the file “config.php” and then upload it to a web server. If you don’t have access to a free web server, do a search on the Internet for a free web host that supports php. There are tons of free web hosts on the Internet. ----[How to use it]---- 1. Open “config.php” in an editor. You can do it in “Notepad”. 2. Fill in the correct information. 3. Upload “config.php” AND “mailme.php” to your web host. 4. From “Win Ghost” select the “action tab” then check "Execute file" and write in http://yourhost.com/mailme.php in the file box. 5. Test: Write in the address in your web browser (e.g. http://yourhost.com/mailme.php) to check that you get the mail. NOTE: If you use a password you need to call the plug-in with “?password=yourpassword” At the end of the file (e.g. http://yourhost.com/mailme.php?password=yourpassword). ----[Explanation of configuration items]---- $usePassword: You have to set this to true if you want to password protect MailMe. Default: false. $myPassword: Your password. This will only be important if you set $usePassword to “true”. $myMailadress: Your mailadress. ---[Tips]--- It might be a good idea to password protect MailMe because anyone that opens that page in a web browser will send you a mail.